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Finding His Love

By Cee Cee

In Jesus name I pray that the love and joy of the Lord will encourage and strengthen every person who reads this letter inspired by the Holy Spirit. It was an awesome experience to have had the opportunity to meet men and women who stepped out in faith to come experience the real side of being behind prison walls. It was a true honor from God to speak the truth of how God is using people everywhere.

Going through many hard times and many agonizing days God still carried me through, only to strengthen and grow me spiritually. You have a real opportunity to be someone for the Lord. Many of you have been called by God already. Don’t let this opportunity just slip by you; it’s an opportunity worth living for. I may be in prison, but I won’t compromise my faith for what God has done in my life. My life belongs to God and each day God gives me; I live unto the Lord. All glory belongs to God. We all come from different types of backgrounds, but no matter where we have come from or what we have done or what we are going through, I have news for you, we serve an almighty God, a God that cares 1 Peter 5:7 explains this so clearly, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

God can change all this around, God’s love toward us has no limit, and it is unconditional. So don’t beat yourself up like you are no one because you are someone special. You are the children of the most High God. You belong to God, you are blessed, and you are holy because He is holy. Don’t let the Devil lie about who you are, the Devil is a liar. No matter what the Devil may say, you need to realize who you are in Christ Jesus. You are God’s special people, and He loves you very much.

I am a prime example of how God changed my life. I went through a lot growing up. I’ve been through it not only physically but emotionally. I had it so rough that I felt hopeless, and I didn’t want to live. I tried to use alcohol and drugs to cover the pain I was going through. But all that did was make my situation worse and landed me in prison. Feeling like it was all over I broke down and cried out to the Lord for help and God didn’t hesitate. He touched my life with something I longed for all my life (love). His love changed my life, I totally gave myself to the Lord and God gave me a brand-new life in His son Jesus Christ. Even with all I have been through, if God can change my life, you can also make the same choice for your life.

The life I have and live today is amazing, even in prison. I encourage every one of you to not miss the opportunity to experience real life with God. God loves you He is waiting for you with open arms. I hope and pray that someone will be encouraged through this letter. May the love of God bless you from behind the prison walls.

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Expressions of Freedom CD

Enjoy the 12-track praise and worship offering by the One Voice Praise Choir of Ebenezer Outreach Ministry.